JAKARTA - Gold has long been a tool for investment for many people. Currently, gold investment is not only in physical form, but also in digital form.
Digital gold investment offers various conveniences and advantages over physical gold. Here are some of the advantages of digital gold investment that you should know.
1. Security guaranteed
Investing in digital gold has a very secure security. Someone who invests doesn't need to think about a storage area because it is already available in the application used and guaranteed for security.
"Digital Gold is safe, because the savings are directly in the application," said Lakuemas Brand Manager, Ester Napitulu, in Senayan, Jakarta, on Monday, March 10, 2025.
2. The flexibility is high
Digital gold also provides high flexibility compared to physical gold. The purchase of digital gold can start at a small amount and will always be available.
The flexibility is high if digital gold. Physical gold can sometimes appear scarcity. If digital gold is easy (to sell and buy), the flexibility is high," said Ester.
3. The difference in selling and buying prices is low
Another advantage of digital gold is the difference in the selling and buying price which tends to be lower, compared to physical gold. This is very suitable for those of you who are active in trading gold.
"The difference in selling and buying prices is lower. Physical gold has a difference in the selling price of 6 to 12 percent. Physical gold for people if they want to sell again must be stored longer to make a profit. If digital gold is only 1 to 2.5 percent of the price difference, this is suitable for those who like to buy and sell actively (gold)," he concluded.
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