JAKARTA - Preservation of an intangible culture is an important effort in maintaining the cultural diversity of an area so that it remains sustainable and can be passed on to future generations.
One form of intangible culture that is of concern in South Kalimantan is the tradition of Mamanda, a typical Banjar theater art that has educational value and entertainment for the community.
The Education and Culture Office of South Kalimantan Province (Disdikbud South Kalimantan) seeks to preserve this cultural heritage through various programs, including training and coaching for educators at the high school (SMA) and vocational high school (SMK) levels.
Head of Culture Division of the South Kalimantan Province Disdikbud, Raudati Hildayati, stated that this training aims to create active, creative, and innovative educators in teaching cultural heritage to students.
With the training, guidance, and assistance, teachers are expected to instill cultural values through the art of Mamanda's performance.
Raudati explained that Mamanda's performance does not only function as entertainment, but also as an educational medium for the people of Banjar. The art of this performance conveys moral messages, constructive social criticism, as well as distinctive democratic and cultural values.
Currently, Indonesian traditional performing arts are starting to get more attention from the public, including traditional theaters such as Mamanda. This traditional theater uniqueness lies in accompaniment of regional music as well as a combination of songs and typical dances that further add to its appeal.
Raudati also said that Mamanda's theater art has been recognized as an Intangible Cultural Heritage (WBTb) since 2016, demonstrating the importance of preserving this art in South Kalimantan.
Meanwhile, Head of the Arts Section of the South Kalimantan Province Disdikbud, D Sunjaya Adhiarso, explained that the training participants consisted of SMA and SMK art teachers in Barito Kuala Regency, Banjarmasin City, Banjarbaru City, and Banjar Regency.
"The material in this workshop includes the history and existence of the Mamanda Traditional Theater, scriptwriting techniques, Mother's theater elements, and performance techniques so that teachers can teach students better," he said.
One of the participants from SMAN 5 Banjarmasin, Dini Maulidya, revealed that this activity was very useful for deepening understanding of Mamanda's traditional theater art.
"I will channel and teach the knowledge I have had during this workshop so as not to stop here, so that I can give birth to a new generation who love cultural arts," said Dini.
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