JAKARTA - Laura Meizani appeared to the public after more than three months of staying in a safe house. Laura is seen running open together with her two younger siblings. On this occasion, Laura or who is familiarly called Loly expressed her hopes for the problems her mother, Nikita Mirzani, is facing.

"Pray for Mimi, which I always pray for Mimi in my prayers, I hope that with the problems that are currently facing it, hopefully it will be finished quickly," said Laura Meizani, quoted by VOI from YouTube Crazy Nikmir Real, Thursday, March 20.

Laura realized that the opponent she was facing in this case of alleged extortion and threats must be fought mentally strongly.

"Because Mimi is still dealing with people, yes, with people who are really upset, they can't really be silent, so they have to be really strong, I hope mimi is strong because Loly knows that mimi is always strong," Laura continued.

Apart from this case, Laura only hopes that her mother can reunite with her and her two younger siblings soon.

"Healthy too, hopefully Mimi will be given health, hopefully Mimi will be given very, very strong strength from Allah. Hopefully, we can reunite with us, togetherness can be sure," hoped Laura Meizani.

Previously, Nikita Mirzani and his assistant were officially detained by the Polda Metro Jaya investigators for the alleged extortion and threats against cosmetic entrepreneur doctor Reza Gladys.

"After examining the two suspects, namely NM and IM, then another case was carried out, then investigators have detained the two suspects," said Pol Kombes Ade Ary when met at Polda Metro Jaya, Tuesday, March 4.

Nikita and her assistant will be detained for the next 20 days as well as for investigators to investigate this case. "For the next 20 days, investigators have detained the two suspects," said Kombes Pol Ade Ary.

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