JAKARTA - Near the end of Ramadan, most people start choosing a simple and easy menu of food to eat at dawn. If you are looking for a simple menu of food for sahur, you can try an onion gongseng egg.

To make this onion gongseng egg requires simple and easy to find ingredients, as well as very fast manufacturing. Here's a recipe that you can imitate, which is shared by food vlogger @michelelex on his Instagram.

The materials needed:

2 eggs, dipeduk 1/2 onions, diced with 1 large leek, 3 thick cayenne pepper slices with thick 1 / 3 sdt msg1 / 2 sdt salt1 / 2 sdt sugar1 / 4 sdt white peppers The cooking oil is sufficient

How to make it:

1. Put about 2 to 3 tablespoons of cooking oil into the pan. Tumis onions and white part of onions with moderate fire, until the onions are soft and wither. 2. Put cayenne pepper, oseng back for about 1 minute or until cayenne pepper. 3. Distribute onions and chilies. Then pour one tablespoon of oil into the empty pot side. 4. Put the eggs into the pan, then gongseng into orak-arik eggs. 5. When the eggs are about to dry, combine with onions and chilies.6. Then add all the spices that have been prepared, stir up until everything is mixed evenly. 7. Put the green part of the onions, then turn off the stove fire and stir it back evenly. With that, the onion gongseng egg is ready to be eaten.

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