YOGYAKARTA - The science of Kalam is a branch of knowledge in Islam that discusses beliefs and faiths with a rational and logical approach. This science develops as an effort by scholars in explaining, defending, and strengthening the faith of Muslims in Islamic teachings. By relying on deep arguments, Kalam science serves to face various thoughts and challenges from groups or sects that have different views on aqidah.
In its development, the knowledge of Kalam is one of the disciplines of science that has experienced many debates among scholars. Some theology flows in Islam, such as Asy'ariyah, Maturidiyah, and Mu'tazilah, have different approaches in understanding and explaining the concepts of God, destiny, and the traits of Allah. Despite having diverse views, the main goal of this science remains the same, namely maintaining the purity of Islamic teachings with strong and reasonable arguments.
Over time, Kalam science is a field of study that continues to develop, especially in responding to various intellectual challenges in the modern era. The development of philosophy and science also contributes to enriching the discussion in it. Therefore, studying calamic science can help Muslims in understanding religious teachings more deeply and have a solid basis of belief in the face of various thoughts that develop in society.
The knowledge of Kalam began to develop from the beginning of the emergence of Islam, especially when there was interaction with various cultures and philosophy from Greece, Persia, and the Romans. During the reign of the Abbasid Caliphate, this knowledge developed rapidly with the emergence of various Islamic theology flows that tried to answer various philosophical and theological issues that developed at that time.
One of the important figures in the knowledge of Kalam is Al-Ghazali, who made a big contribution in aligning philosophical thinking with Islamic teachings. His thinking helped strengthen Islamic faith while at the same time reducing the influence of philosophy which was considered contrary to Islamic principles. Through his approach, Al-Ghazali succeeded in bringing calamic knowledge into a wider intellectual discussion without leaving Islamic values behind.
Flows In Kalam Science
In its development, calam science is a field that gives birth to several different sects of thought, including:
1. Mu tazilah
This sect emphasizes reason as the main source in understanding Islamic teachings and emphasizes the concept of justice and human freedom in doing.
2. Asy'ariyah
Developed by Imam Al-Asy'ari, this flow seeks to balance between reason and revelation in understanding faith.
3. Maturidiyah
The sect emphasizes that reason has an important role, but remains in the corridor of revelation teachings.
4. West Java
The flow that argues that everything has been determined by God, so that humans do not have the full free will.
5. Qadaiyah
The flow is opposite to that of West Java, which emphasizes that humans have complete freedom in determining their actions.
The Development Of Kalam Science In The Modern Era
Along with the times, kalam science is a science that remains relevant in responding to various contemporary challenges, including in dealing with secular, atheism, and scientific and philosophical debates that developed in the modern era. Currently, the knowledge of Kalam is widely studied in Islamic studies in various universities, both in the Islamic world and in the Western world.
Overall, kalam science is a knowledge that has an important role in strengthening the beliefs of Muslims and defending Islamic teachings from various intellectual challenges. By combining revelations and rationality, karam science is a means for Muslims to understand faith more deeply and logically.
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