YOGYAKARTA - Japanese culture has long captivated the world with its unique and rich charm. From ancient traditions passed down from generation to modern phenomena that are global, Japan offers an attractive combination of harmony, discipline, and innovation.
This article will invite you to explore some of the most famous and interesting aspects of Japanese culture, ranging from stunning martial arts, solemn tea drinking ceremonies, to inspiring natural beauty.
Reporting from the Go with Guide page, here are five interesting cultures in Japan for tourists to try:
"Obon" is a special time in a year for Japanese society. This is a Japanese cultural tradition held in mid-summer to honor ancestors.
In Buddhism, it is believed that ancestral spirits returned to visit their families who were still alive once a year during this period.
Obon is a holiday for many companies, resulting in a massive transfer of people across the country to gather at their homes.
The people will clean up the family tombstones and household altars, present flowers and food to the ancestors, and ask for prayers sung by a monk for their ancestors.
If you are in Tokyo, the festival will be held on the weekend around July 13-16, or August 13-16, but the time is different in various parts of the country in Japan.
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Summer Festival is another fun and exciting Japanese tradition that can also be enjoyed by children. Japanese fireworks are the most complicated and colorful things in the world.
Japanese people develop new types of fireworks every year, and fireworks festivals are a long-standing summer tradition. Fireworks festivals are held almost every weekend from the end of July to the end of August, where thousands of people gather at this festival.
New Year's holiday is another special time in Japan. Unlike western culture, celebrations in Japan are actually a very quiet event that begins with cleaning the house from top to bottom to welcome the new year.
On New Year's Eve, just before midnight, there is a Japanese tradition of eating "toshikoshi Egara" or noodles to welcome the new year. Eating long noodles is said to be a prayer to have a long and fruitful life.
Then, if there is a temple nearby, you will hear a gong in a temple bell ranging at midnight. This Bell sounds 108 times, which is the number of human sins according to Buddhism.
Spring is the time to see the amicra flower in Japan, which blooms around the last days of March to the first week of April. In Japan there is a habit called "ohanami" or literally seeing the kamera flower.
People will enjoy talking, eating, drinking alcohol, and overall having fun under the Chery flowers. They will do this habit at night called the "yozakura" or the nightclubs.
Finally, one of the most popular traditional Japanese cultural experiences foreign visitors want to try is a tea drink ceremony.
Drinking tea is an interesting habit to look at. A woman wearing a mitigation will make matcha tea with hot water boiled in an ancient cassava and mix it with a small wooden striker.
In a tea drink ceremony, every hand movement of the home mother's is considered part of the "tEEN arts", so it's not just about taste. Match tea is thick and bitter, so if you try it it can be a challenge.
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