YOGYAKARTA Bali is indeed quite famous for its non-halal culinary. However, that does not mean that in Bali there are no Muslim-friendly restaurants. There are many halal restaurants in Bali that can be visited. In fact, the menu presented is also very delicious. In this article, it will provide several references to halal dining in Bali.

The halal restaurant in Bali below only provides a menu that can be accepted by Islamic law. Some restaurants that can be visited are as follows.

This restaurant is located at Jl. Merdeka No. 1, Renon, East Denpasar District, Denpasar City, Bali. There are also other branches on Jl. Education No. 86, Sidakarya, South Denpasar District, Bali.

Available menus such as original betutu chicken (with soup), fried betutu chicken, betutu chicken mixed rice with various Balinese chili sauce.

Despite being in Bali, this restaurant carries the concept of kha Sundanese with a large fish pond. Suitable for the group.

This restaurant is located at Jl. Nakula No. 88, Pemecutan Klod, West Denpasar, Denpasar City, Bali. Menu is served such as honey-burned shrimp, flying gurame, Padang sauce squid, sawandeng fried chicken, and kale plecing.

The building is quite iconic because it carries traditional Balinese pavilions. Famous among foreign tourists.

This restaurant has its address at Jl. Raya Kedewatan No. 18, Kedewatan, Kec. Ubud, Gianyar Regency, Bali. The available menus are like Dewartan chicken rice (national rice mixed with suwir chicken, satay lilit, eggs, lawar, sambal), nasi vegetarian kedewatan, and special packaged rice.

Warung Mak Beng is quite legendary because it has existed since 1941. The location is also very strategic because it is near Sanur Beach.

The address of Warung Mak Beng is on Jl. Hang Tuah No. 45, Sanur Kaja, South Denpasar District, Bali. This stall is famous for the traditional Balinese spice fish soup. Some of the available menus are like fried fish, fish head soup, and spicy chili sauce.

This restaurant is halal certified. In addition, it offers a luxurious eating experience with a typical Balinese feel. The location is in a five-star hotel having its address at Nusa Dua Beach Hotel & Spa, Nusa Dua Lot Tourism Area. 4, Nusa Dua, Bali.

Available menus such as betutu ducks, satay lilits, and rayun penyineb Bali (ketan, chicken beans, fried bananas, jackfruit).

This restaurant presents a spicy culinary menu typical of Lombok. The New Taliwang Bakar Chicken is also quite legendary because it has been famous even since the 90s. It is able to accommodate many people so it is very comfortable.

The New Taliwang Bakar Chicken has its address at Jl. Teuku Umar No. 8, Dauh Puri Kauh, West Denpasar, Denpasar City, Bali. Several available menus such as bakar tawang chicken, plecing kale, beberuk terong, and satay rembige.

Those are some halal restaurants in Bali. Visit VOI.id to get more interesting information.

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