JAKARTA - The trend of makeup or makeup every time changes. Recently, there was a lot of makeup no eyebrow look or makeup without eyebrows.
This makeup style has also been used by many well-known world artists, such as Lady Gaga while attending the 2025 Grammy Awards. Then there is Miley Cyrus when she attends the 2025 Oscars.
Eyebrow makeup look is obtained not by shaving or thinning eyebrows. This makeup style is done using bleaching techniques or wearing bright paint or covering eyebrows so that it is barely visible.
This trend creates a very unique and futuristic facial effect. Not only that, this makeup style can also change the proportion of the face drastically.
Without the dominant eyebrow presence, the facial structure looks even different, giving an impression of an Edgy, high-fashion, appearance, and creating a slight ethereal impression.
Quoted from the page of The Independent, this trend also has its own charm in art and self-expression. Many consider no eyebrow look as a symbol of courage to get out of beauty standards in general.
This makeup style features a bolder personality, without being influenced by the stigma of society. In the fashion world, this appearance is also often associated with alien beauty, or a facial impression that is almost irregular but still stunning.
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