The 7th Hadith Arbain in the book Arbain An-Nawawi discusses the importance of advice in Islamic teachings. This hadith was narrated by the Muslim Imam and teaches that giving advice is part of caring for others. Islam teaches its people to remind each other in kindness in order to maintain piety and strengthen relations between fellow Muslims.
The concept of advice in the 7th hadith of Arbain shows that Islam upholds the value of concern and togetherness. The advice given is not just criticism, but as a form of attention so that a person remains on the right path in accordance with Islamic teachings. Therefore, advice must be conveyed in a good and gentle way so that it can be accepted gracefully.
In addition, the 7th hadith Arbain also taught that giving advice is not only to individuals, but also to leaders and all Muslims. A Muslim has a responsibility to convey truth and remind in terms that bring benefits to the life of the world and the hereafter. Thus, advice is a means of maintaining unity and harmony in society.
In conclusion, the 7th hadith Arbain emphasized that advice is one of the main principles in Islam. Carrying out advice in a wise way can strengthen ukhuwah Islamiyah and create a better environment. Therefore, every Muslim should try to advise each other in goodness so that people's lives remain harmonious and pleasing to Allah SWT.
"You can't do that, you can't help yourself," she said.
Latin: An Abi Ruqayyah Tamim bin Aus ad-Dari radhiyallahu anhu, anna an-Nabiyya salallahu alaihi wa sallam qal: "Ad-dinu an-nashihah." Qulna: "Liman?" Qala: "Lillahi, wa likitabihi, wa liduhihihi, wa li-amimmatil Muslimina wa ammathim." (HR. Muslim)
Translation: From Abu Ruqayyah Tamim bin Aus ad-Dari radhiyallahu anhu, that Prophet salahu alaihi wa sallam is called: "Religion is advice." We ask: "For whom?" He replied: "For Allah, for His books, for His Prophets, for the leaders of Muslims, and for all Muslims." (HR. Muslim)
These Hadiths show that Islam was built on the basis of advice that includes five main aspects, namely:
These hadiths can be applied in various aspects of life, such as:
7th Hadith Arbain teaches that Islam emphasizes the importance of advice as a form of concern and shared responsibility. A Muslim should always try to advise himself and others in goodness, both in matters of worship, muamalah, and social interaction. By applying this hadith teaching, Muslims can live more harmoniously and maintain Islamic values in every aspect of their lives.
Hopefully we can all practice the teachings of the 7th Hadith Arbain and become a better person in interacting with God, fellow humans, and the surrounding environment.
In addition, it is also necessary to know that the Collection of Hadiths Gives Gifts to Each Other in Islam
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