JAKARTA - Haykal Kamil admits that he faces different challenges when changing professions from actors to business people, especially in the fashion world.

He feels that he becomes an actor, he follows many other people's directions, but in the business of people who follow directions from him.

"And it's very different, when we used to be actors in our world, in other words, if people say, we will be wayang, we will be regulated. But when we have our own business we are the masterminds, we will manage it," said Haykal Kamil in the Pejaten area, South Jakarta, Sunday, March 2.

"Of course the challenge is very different between being an actor and being a businessman," he continued.

However, Haykal feels there is an essence between being an actor and also a businessman where he must have a sense of caring for others.

"But if I do have the same essence because both must have creativity, must have instincts and indeed have a sense of humanism," said Haykal.

"Because the brand in the end is not just a name, selling products, the brand must have a sense of caution," he continued.

No wonder the values he got when he was an actor are also applied to the business he is currently running.

"So what I think is that, what I learned when I became an actor, I always got the role of being a college student, a high school student or something in the past always had a different background," he said.

"And I think I'm starting to try to turn it on to the brands that I manage. So I have different values," he said.

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