JAKARTA Actor Ferdi Ali shared the experiences and challenges he faced when he starred in the film Jagal Teluh.

He admitted that every film project has its own challenges, including in this film.

"But for personal purposes, I'm sure there will be challenges there. And it's true, when I went through the film Butcher Teluh, there were challenges for me," Ferdi Ali told VOI, Monday, February 24.

Ferdi said that some of the scenes in this film have similarities to previous projects, so he had to find a way to keep his role fresh and different.

"Because there may be a scene that is more or almost the same as what I've had in the previous project."

One of the biggest challenges for Ferdi is to create something new and not monotonous in his acting.

"Well, my challenge is how I make something different here. It can't be the same, it can't be the same in the previous project. It can't be flat either or the same as other players in carrying it out," explained Ferdi.

To prepare for his role, Ferdi conducted research and watched various reference films that had similar scenes.

"That's why I looked for references. I watched several films where the scenes were similar. I saw, watched how they reacted, how they or the actors were involved in playing, in reacting, in expressing themselves," he explained.

Ferdi ensured that his efforts to present something new remained logical and not excessive.

"I'm trying to find something different but not strange. Still in, still logical, keep reason coming in and touching," he said.

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