JAKARTA Actor Ferdi Ali shared his emotional experience while studying Aldo's character in the film project Jagal Teluh.
He revealed that in this role, there is a scene that really demands him to show an expression of anger and deep disappointment.
"It's the same with Aldo's character himself and maybe here there is a scene that is really angry, angry disappointed, just take it with the people around us even though we don't mean to do that to other people," Ferdi Ali told VOI, Monday, February 24.
"For example, for example, I'm not the type of person who gets angry easily, right, meaning shouting or cursing people in public, it's not me really," he said.
However, in one of the scenes, Ferdi has prepared his emotions to perform optimally. He wanted to create a perfect moment, where his tears fell at the right time.
"But the incident was once in a scene, I have prepared my emotions, I have collected my emotions, I want the momentum when I look up, the tears fall, that's what I want," said Ferdi.
Unfortunately, when he was ready to take, suddenly there was a disturbance from the roar of the cat's voice, making him have to stop the scene for a moment.
"I've set the concept, I've collected tears of all kinds, 'OK Fer, ok stay focused', there's a cat (meowing), oh, break for a while, 'Eh sorry, get rid of the cat first, I'm afraid later when I take there will be a sound', 'oh yes yes yes,'," he explained.
Ferdi returned to focus and prepared to take it back, but the cat's voice reappeared in the middle of the scene, which made him unconsciously vent his emotions for Aldo's character.
"Okay, I'll concentrate again, 'OK everyone is on standby, yes, ready, okay, Roll, camera, action'. When I wanted dialogue, (the sound of a cat), I shouted that, 'I said earlier, the cat got rid of it first', it wasn't me, it was Aldo who shouted because I was angry there," he said.
Ferdi's spontaneous reaction shocked the entire crew because it had never been done by Ferdi Ali before.
"In the end, everyone was also shocked, shouted, 'I told you, the cat got rid of it first'. Everyone was shocked. I was silent first, because I was still gathering anger, I was still shaking," he explained.
Realizing his emotional reaction, Ferdi immediately apologized to the entire crew before continuing filming.
"But before taking 'I'm sorry first, yes, I'm sorry, everyone, Art's brother, I'm sorry, bro, I don't mean to be angry with my brother, no, no. This was because it was really anger who got together because this incident was in my eyes, so I suddenly shouted like that, that's spontaneity," added Ferdi.
He admits that there are moments where the emotions he builds for the role can be carried out accidentally.
"That's what sometimes gets carried away beyond our wishes. So suddenly it just comes out spontaneously," he said.
The film Butcher Teluh will be coming starting on February 27 and featuring players such as Elina Joerg, Selvi Kitty, Ferdi Ali, Axcel Benza, and many others.
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