JAKARTA - Morgan Oey is the main player in the latest film produced by Entelekey Media Indonesia and Relate Films entitled Spirit Marriage (The Butterfly House).

In this film, Morgan claims to have his own ritual before undergoing the filming process of a horror film, namely bathing in salt water.

He did it on purpose to refuse unwanted things while and after filming.

"Bathing water is because we ordered it," said Morgan Oey in the Jakarta area, Thursday, February 20.

The former SMANSH member admitted that he had previously explained things that were not done during the shooting process by a consultant.

"The consultants are like each message, like do's and don't, for example, don't talk carelessly," Morgan explained.

"But maybe because I think the energy is very strong, so we are very careful to really behave and say words," he continued.

Unlike Morgan, Zulfa Maharani, his co-star in this film prefers to strengthen worship alone.

"Because I'm a Muslim, so I just pray. The one who protects myself," said Zulfa.

Spirit weddings will air on February 27 and will be broadcast in other Asian countries, namely Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Myanmar, Laos to Brunei Darussalam.

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