JAKARTA - Prilly Latuconsina revealed the challenges she faces in playing Risa's character in the film Danur 4.
He admitted that his role this time was much more difficult than the previous films in the Danur franchise.
"It's really difficult to swear. It's like because I really can't spoil it, but the scenario is that Risa's character is really difficult, not Risa in 1, 2, 3 that way," said Prilly Latuconsina in the Kuningan area, South Jakarta, Friday, February 21.
According to Prilly, Risa's character has undergone major changes in this film due to various incidents that occurred in the storyline, thus demanding more in-depth acting.
"There are various kinds of incidents that make him experience something and it's really difficult to act," said Prilly.
Because of this challenge, the reading process is carried out very seriously. In fact, the production team used more detailed blocking and presented an acting coach to help the players.
"Moreover, I've been shooting horror films for a long time, so it's okay for us to read it very, very seriously, we use blocking, there are acting coaches who also accompany," he continued.
In Danur 4, Risa's character has experienced significant development compared to previous films.
"The difference is that Risa is more mature than before for sure. Risa is already working at the office," he said.
Prilly also shared a new experience in this role, including how Risa's character has now entered the world of work and has a romantic relationship.
"In this film, I can finally feel wearing civil servant clothes and Riri is already big, Dito's girlfriend is already in Danur 4 if you watch Danur 2 there is one ghost scene called Angleng," he said.
Apart from Prilly Latuconsina, Danur 4 will also feature the acting of Zee Asadel, Dito Darmawan, Lewis Robert, Muhammad Fauzan, Zachary Ayde, Said Darian Rizqi, Fillio Dheno, Anya Zen, and Gilang Devialdy.
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