JAKARTA - Nadya Bulan Sofya or Bulan Sofya may be fairly new in the world of cinema. He is still pursuing a career in acting until he gets the lead role in his latest film, Pulung Hangup: Pati Ngandat.

"I play Alana, Ryan's girlfriend and the one I face in this film I'm inspired by the figure of Banaspati or hanging pulung in Gunung Kidul," the story of his first lead to VOI some time ago.

So far, he has never played a horror genre, unlike his older brother, Ratu Sofya, who is already experienced in horror films. This is the reason he began to be interested in acting, including joining his latest film.

"Indeed, there are many horror films in Indonesia and I also see my brother playing horror films before and I often accompany him to the shooting location. The horror shooting process is really fun even though it's dirty or scattered, but I think it's really fun, "the story is enthusiastic.

"If you play soap operas, it's like that, it's already dramas, if horror is different, because there is a scene of possession, and that's also a challenge for me because in this film I was possessed from start to finish on average," he continued.

He found many new experiences in the film Pulung hanging. The 17-year-old actress admitted that she was tired, but still had the passion to continue acting.

There was a scene of me hanging on a tree that at two in the morning on a tree that a week earlier was hanging himself there but still continued. I use the white softlense which is a challenge because the softlense is white and I don't clearly see it," said the Moon again.

"Where is one day from the morning until that night my scene was possessed continuously, his voice was running out, he must have been dizzy because he was wearing softlense but he was really tired," he said again.

Furthermore, Bulan said that he had never faced a horror incident on set, but he felt it thanks to the film Pulung hanging. It is known that this film takes the original Gunung Kidul background as the background for the story according to urban legend.

"I've never actually found a horror story in my life in my life in my life. I've never been affected or never, but when I filmed this horror film, it was the first time a horror story has happened in my life," the story enthusiastically.

"At that time at the basecamp, I continued to be disturbed but some were severe, some were also few but if I was only once or twice. Of course there was fear in myself because this was my first film after 5 years I didn't shoot," said Bulan Sofya.

The month Sofya also faced horror filming for the first time after five years without filming. There is anxiety considering that she has only seen her sister acting on site.

"There's a feeling of nervousness, nervousness in front of the camera again and it will be shown watched by many people for sure. There must be fear in itself I didn't manage to play this character so the film wasn't good," continued Bulan.

Untungnya aku dapat dukungan dan bantuan dari coach aktingnya, bantuan dari sutradaranya bahkan waktu di set itu aku take itu banyak yang tanpa tangan apa macam dan aku jadi pede lagi meskipun awalnya saya takut," ujar aktris lahir 27 Maret tersebut.

Talking about brothers, Bulan admitted that he saw and learned a lot from Ratu Sofya, especially talking about horror. The moon explains that his brother is not tootopic about acting.

"When I first accepted this project, I asked him and kept saying, 'You definitely shoot like this, you must be screened, you must shoot dirty, dirty and you have to be strong, because shooting horror mostly at night' But every time he shoot, he often asks him to the location, so I already know," he said.

"If he ordered acting, he didn't give it because we believed in our acting with each other, so he just gave it, so you diginiin digituin like me yesterday, you can accompany it," said Bulan again.

However, Bulan Sofya does not want to continue to be in the horror genre. While he is still young, he feels there are still many opportunities to play other characters in various genres.

"If it's a horror film, I already like my current character, if it's horror because it's challenging, but if it's not a horror film, I want a role like Dian Sastrowardoyo in the Kretek Girl. I really want to be able to play a role like that," concluded Bulan Sofya.

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