JAKARTA - Paragon Pictures' latest film, the Dark Power is officially broadcast on Netflix. After successfully reaping the audience in 2024, this film can be watched again for those interested in Indonesia's first exorcism horror film.

Directed by Bobby Prasetyo, the film Kuasa Dark is based on cases of exorism that are rarely highlighted. The film also emphasizes how a romo or pastor handles cases of exorism.

The following is a synopsis of the film Dark Power below:

The Dark Power tells the story of Father Thomas (Jerome Kurnia), a romo who experiences a tragic life where his mother and sister died in a tragic accident. He questioned God's power because he felt left alone.

Father Thomas chose to resign from his path by meeting Pastor Rendra (Lukman Sardi). However, instead of being accepted, Pastor Rendra gave the task to Father Rendra.

This task is to carry out an exorism or expulsion of a demon from the body of a teenager named Kayla (Lea Ciarachel), the son of her best friend, Maya (Astrid Tiar).

Initially, Father Thomas felt hesitant until he ventured to carry out the task. Kayla began to experience possession after playing cross section with his friend, Cilla (Freya JKT48).

Kayla wants to call the spirit of her dead father. Kayla hopes that her father will come to destroy her mother's new relationship, which she suspects is not sincere, especially since the mother plans to remarry.

Cilla as a friend helped Kayla do the street game, but after that Cilla started to experience strange things and ended up dying. Kayla, who had avoided it, also started to experience things like Cilla.

Father Thomas considers the demons in Kayla's body to be not an ordinary figure. Then, Father Thomas and Father Rendra worked together to carry out exorism before it was too late.

The film Kuasa Dark can be watched on Netflix.

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