JAKARTA - Ahmad Dhani revealed the series of wedding events for his eldest son, Al Ghazali, with Alyssa Daguise. Dhani said that Al and Alyssa would hold a marriage contract on June 16 and the reception would be held on June 17.
"So the concept will be like this on the 16th, it is a marriage contract. June. On 17th, the download reception will be in mantu, Ahmad Dhani downloads mantu," said Ahmad Dhani, quoted by VOI from YouTube Unblocked, Monday, February 17.
Not only the order of the event, but Maia Estianty's ex-husband also said that there would be a line of singers from Raisa to Vina Panduwinata who would enliven Al and Alyssa's marriage.
"Dewa play please. Dewa performs, Raisa performs, Vina Panduwinata performs. Anyway, all the best gigs," he continued.
For Ahmad Dhani, his son's marriage was not just a royal wedding because the ranks of guests would attend.
"I think it will be more than royal, yes. I don't think it's really big royal," he said
Regarding the theme of marriage, Ahmad Dhani emphasized that Al Ghazali and Alyssa will carry a local theme, namely Java and will be held in Jakarta. "(The event is in Jakarta) all. Not (international), (adat) Java," he said.
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