YOGYAKARTA Choosing a bag is not only a matter of modeling and function, but must be adjusted to the body shape so that it doesn't look misstyled. A bag that is too big for a short body can make the wearer look drowned, while a bag that is too small for a tall body can seem less proportional. So, how to choose the size of the bag that fits the body shape? Summarized from various sources, see the full review below.

If you are petite, you should choose a bag with a rope size that is not too long. In addition, avoid large bags so that your appearance looks more attractive.

For small body owners, wearing large bags can make the body look smaller. For that, choose a small to medium bag with a rope that is not too long.

Related to this, you can choose a bag that can be adjusted short or long so that it can be adjusted to body parts, such as a mini-sling bag that is becoming a trend or a practical selempang model bag for daily activities.

For those of you who have a tall and slim body shape, a medium to large bag is the right choice.

Avoid bags that are too small because they can make the body look taller and thinner. Bags with a rather wide shape, such as tote bags or boho bags, can create a better balance.

In addition, choose a bag with a medium rope and the right size, so that your implanter looks more stylish.

If you have a body that contains, a medium-sized bag with a rather long rope is the best choice. Avoid bags that are too small because they can make the body look bigger.

The types of bags recommended for fat body voters are boho bags. This model comes with long and short ropes that you can adjust to your needs. Boho bags also have a size that is quite large, so it is suitable to wear body voters plus size or contain.

Next, you can also try to look fashionable with a large cluster bag. This type of bag is suitable for use at formal or semi-formal events.

Owners of tall and thin bodies are advised to choose a medium-sized bag. Avoid large bags, because they will make your body look drowned.

In addition, also avoid bags with ropes that are too short, adjusting to height so that your appearance is more pleasing to the eye. Bags with backpacks or backpacks can be a perfect choice for thin height.

If you have a body shape with the same characteristics of the size of the chest and hips, and the size of the waist is smaller, this means you have a hourglass body shape.

The owner of the hourglass body shape is very suitable to wear a bag with a shorter rope. This can complement the ideal body illusion. You can choose a tote bag or shoulder bag with various attractive color models and options. To make it look more elegant, choose a bright bag color such as a cool and pink.

That's information about the size of the bag that suits the body shape. Get other selected news updates only on VOI.ID.

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