JAKARTA - The international assessment program called the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) is familiar in the world of education. The results of the PISA assessment are often a reference and evaluation material for many countries in the world, including Indonesia.

Many aspects are assessed by PISA, but in 2022 PISA will measure creative thinking skills for the first time. The results of the assessment were published in 2024, and there is a state order with creative thinking skills.

Unfortunately for Indonesia itself, we cannot be proud of the results published by PISA. This is because Indonesia is included in the list of 14 countries that have the lowest performance in creative thinking.

On the other hand, there are also several countries that rank at the top for the creative thinking skills of the population. Anything? Check out the list below quoted from the Oecd.org website, on Friday, January 31, 2025.

Singapore shows an extraordinary advantage in creative thinking skills, with an average score of 41 points, the highest among all PISA-assessed countries. As many as 70 percent of students in Singapore were able to reach level 4 or more within the ability to think creatively.

South Korea is in second place, by showing excellent performance in creative thinking skills, especially for the context of solving scientific problems. Students in this country are not only trained to produce creative ideas, but also evaluate and develop practical solutions.

In third place is Canada. The education system in Canada is known to support freedom of expression and project-based learning, which is the key to student creativity development. The advantage of this country in creative thinking is also closely related to focusing on inclusive education.

This country produces excellent performances in various aspects of creative thinking skills, especially in the context of creative expression, either visually or in writing. Australia's education system encourages students to develop original ideas through project tasks and activities outside of school hours.

Finland is the country with the best education system in the world. No wonder this country is also at the top of the list with high creative thinking skills.

Educational philosophy in Finland prioritizes student welfare and interdisciplinary learning is a strong basis for carrying out creativity. Students in the country are taught to think critically and explore various ways to solve various problems.

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