JAKARTA - Titi Kamal will compete acting with Ibrahim Risyad and Naysilla Mirdad in the latest film produced by Bee Have Pictures entitled Tabayyun which will be released this year.
Titi Kamal as Zalina admitted that she was in a dilemma when she explored her role because she finally felt the pain that Zalina felt.
"But what made me in a dilemma when I studied Zalina's character, the more I drowned and the more I enjoyed this character, the less strong I was," said Titi Kamal in the Thamrin area, Central Jakarta, Friday, January 31.
"Because his past was really traumatized, it really made me the one who studied it and got sick. So it was like it was wrong," he continued.
He said that during the shooting process, Titi Kamal needed time alone to build an emotional scene at the beginning of the film.
"So when I was shooting, I also closed myself a little while on set like that. So, for me to maintain my mood, because it was the first day until the middle day, really, really, Wow, it's really sad," Titi Kamal did.
"So I'm usually the first time when I'm on set, I'm happy to joke with all my crew friends. I feel like I'm just in the room to keep Zalina's character," he added.
However, this did not last long, when the shooting process approached the happy scene, Titi Kamal returned to being herself cheerful.
"But after that, it's been the last time, it's started, it's the happy turn to be happy, it's been as fun as a set," he said.
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