JAKARTA - Badriyah Afiff admits that he has experienced many challenges when playing in his latest film, Samawa. Not only his first religious film, but he mostly acts in horror films.

Badriyah Afiff plays Yura, the wife of Andi (Alexzander Wlan) who is undergoing domestic exams, especially coming from her own husband.

"Previously, horror films were offered but they used to play. Then when I read the script for this film, how come there is no horror," said Badriyah Afiff in a press conference on Friday, January 31.

"I took it and it was quite a challenge because I had never previously been able to get Yura's character who was purely drama and first I played a role in drama through this film because it was always horror, horror, and horror," he said again.

To play Yura, Badriyah Afiff also uses the hijab to explore the role of his pious wife. In addition, he has a unique way of shaping chemistry with Alexzander.

"I group its properties based on zodiac. We are both scorpio, so it's only a day for chemistry," said Badriyah again.

Riset there was someone close to me who became a victim of domestic violence, so I heard the story of how the victim of domestic violence was psychological. For research, it is not too difficult but to enter the role it is difficult because it is very different from Badriyah. Yura is gentle so I have to regulate myself," said Badriyah.

The film Samawa will be released in Indonesian cinemas starting February 27, 2025.

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