YOGYAKARTA - Foods given to children, especially those who are still babies, greatly affect their health and growth and development. One of the foods that is often debated among parents is instant noodles. How old can children eat instant noodles?
Although practical and easy to process, instant noodles should not be given carelessly, especially to babies. Because the content in instant noodles is not in accordance with the nutritional needs of children, especially those in the golden age period or the rapid growth period.
As parents, it is important to understand when children can eat instant noodles. This is very important so that the consumption of this food does not have a negative impact on their health.
Instant noodles are not recommended food for children. But if you want to give it, the relatively safe age is over 5 years. At this age, the digestive system of children is more developed than babies. However, instant noodles must still be done in a limited manner and with the right presentation.
Instant noodles should not be recommended to be given to children under the age of 5 because their nutritional content does not match their needs. Even for children over 5 years old, instant noodle consumption must be limited and processed in a healthier way.
Avoid providing instant noodles every day because this can have a bad impact on children's growth and development. Children under the age of five should still be given the best sources of nutrition from natural foods such as vegetables, meat, fish, fruits, and other types of nutritious food.
Instant noodles are processed foods that contain incommensurate nutrition. These products are high in carbohydrates, fats, and sodium (garm), but are low in protein, vitamins, and minerals content that babies need to develop optimally.
Here are some reasons why instant noodles are not suitable for intake for babies:
Instant noodles contain very high amounts of salt. Babies have immature kidneys to process large amounts of sodium. Consumption of instant noodles in babies can trigger health disorders such as dehydration, future hypertension, or even kidney damage.
Instant noodles do not contain enough important nutrients such as protein, iron, vitamins, and minerals. Whereas babies need high nutritious food to support their brain and physical growth optimally.
Instant noodles contain additional ingredients such as preservatives and flavoring. These ingredients have the potential to endanger the baby's health. The still developing digestive system of babies has not been able to digest these substances properly.
Introducing or giving instant noodles too early for children can form a bad eating habit. Children can prefer instant foods that are high in sugar, salt, and fat, compared to healthy foods such as. Whereas children should get healthy intake, such as vegetables, fruit, or natural protein sources.
That's a review of how old children can eat instant noodles? By understanding the impact and risk of instant noodle consumption, it is hoped that parents can make the best decisions for the health of their children. Also read the recommendations of today's MPASI.
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