Giving birth is a happy and challenging moment for women. After months of pregnancy, the body undergoes significant changes which take time to recover. So, when can exercise after giving birth?

Physical activity is important to restore fitness and health after delivery, but starting too quickly or too hard can be risky.

Reporting from the Mayo Clinic page, if you have an uncomplex pregnancy and normal childbirth, it is generally safe to start exercising a few days after giving birth or as soon as you feel ready.

But if you undergo caesarean surgery, extensive vaginal repair, or complicated childbirth. For that, always talk to your doctor or healthcare provider about when to start a sports program.

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Doctors will at least recommend 150 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic activity each week. For that, always consider the following guidelines:

Start with something low and simple like walking every day. If you're used to getting used to it, immediately find out if you can find a post-trial sports class at a gym or other health community center.

In addition, also consider the following special exercises:

Try plvic tilt several times a day to strengthen your stomach muscles. You can lie on the floor with your knees bent, then flatten your back to the floor by tightening your stomach muscles and bending your pelvis slightly up. Hold up to 10 seconds. Repeat five times and increase it up to 10 to 20 repetitions.

Use this exercise to tighten your pelvic floor muscles, which support your uterus, bladder, small intestine, and rectum. If practiced regularly, Kegel exercises can help reduce urine and anal incontinence.

The trick is to tighten your pelvic floor muscles, as if you are trying to stop urinating in the middle of the flow. Hold up to 10 seconds and release it, relax for 10 seconds between contractions.

Try to do at least three sets consisting of 10 repetitions a day. However, it is important to avoid Kegel training when urinating.

Your pelvic muscles can stretch and feel pain after giving birth. This yoga pose can help relax and stretch your muscles gently to relieve pain.

You do this by lying on your back and taking your knees towards your chest. Open your knees slightly wider than your hips. While keeping your arms on the inside of your knees, use your hands to hold the outside of your feet or ankles.

Bend your knees so that your lower legs face up and pull your legs down gently to lower your knees to the surface. Focus on relaxing your pelvic muscles while trying to hold this pose for about 90 seconds.

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