JAKARTA - The Air Busan plane caught fire at Gimhae International Airport, Busan, South Korea, on January 28, 2025. The fire occurred allegedly because the power bank belonging to one of the passengers was placed on a bag storage shelf in the aircraft cabin.

This incident made a policy to bring power bank into the plane to reap the spotlight. Basically bringing power bank to the plane is not an act that is prohibited.

However, there are restrictions that must be obeyed by passengers in bringing power banks to the aircraft. The International Air Transport Association (IATA) has regulated the policy of carrying power banks on board.

The policy was also followed by the Directorate General of Civil Aviation of the Ministry of Transportation, through Circular (SE) Number: SE. 015/2018, concerning Provisions for Carrying Portable Battery Chargers (Power Bank) and Reserve Lithium Batteries on Aircraft.

The rules state that powerbanks brought on board must not be connected to other electronic devices. Powerbank must also be placed in the cabin trunk, and prohibited in recorded baggage.

The power bank that passengers can carry must also have a Watt-hour (Watt-hour) of no more than 100 copies. If it exceeds 100 hijabs, it can still be swabbed but can't be more than 160 copies and must get approval from airlines.

Thus, power banks with an hourly power of more than 160ULs or an unknown amount of power are prohibited from being carried on a plane trip.

Not only that, citing from Zyron Tech, in carrying a power bank on an airplane, power banks should be stored in their original packaging or protective bags. This is done to avoid short circuits due to power banks in contact with other objects.

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