YOGYAKARTA - When you are going to do sports activities, it is very important to prepare suitable clothes. The type of clothing used will affect comfort during exercise, be it light ingredients, absorb sweat easily, and so on. So what are the clothing ingredients suitable for exercise?

Wearing the right clothes when exercise is useful for increasing the body's comfort during movement, reducing the risk of skin irritation, and helping to be more confident. That's why you need to choose clothing ingredients that suit the type of exercise you're doing.

Currently, there are various sports clothing ingredients available on the market. Starting from synthetic to natural ingredients, each has advantages and disadvantages. Let's identify what clothing ingredients are suitable for exercise and their advantages when worn.

Here are some suitable clothing ingredients for sports activities:

Polyester is one of the most widely used ingredients for sportswear. This ingredient is famous for its mild, fast dry, and long-lasting nature. Polyester's main advantage is its ability to absorb sweat and evaporate it quickly, so that the body remains dry during exercise.

In addition, the polyester is also not easily tangled and flexible, making it comfortable for various types of sports such as running, yoga, or lifting weights. Some sports clothes made from polyesters are also equipped with anti-bacterial technology to prevent unpleasant odors.

Spandex, known as elastane or Lykra, is an ingredient that has a high level of elasticity. Clothing made from spandex is able to stretch up to five times its original size. This outfit is perfect for sports that require many movements, such as gymnastics, pilates, or dance.

Apart from being elastic, spandex also feels soft on the skin and allows freedom to move indefinitely. However, this material tends to be not good at absorbing sweat, so it is usually combined with other ingredients such as polyesters or cotton.

Katun is a natural ingredient that is soft on the skin and comfortable to wear. cotton-made sports clothes are suitable for light activities such as leisurely walking or stretching. The main advantage of cotton is its skin-friendly nature, thereby reducing the risk of irritation.

But cotton has a weakness in absorbing sweat. This material tends to store moisture that can make clothes feel heavy and wet during intense activity. Therefore, cotton is recommended for low-intensity exercise.

Nylon is a synthetic material that is very strong, long-lasting, and resistant to friction. This material has properties similar to polyester, which is light and dry quickly. Nylon also has the ability to absorb sweat and gives a cool feeling during exercise.

Clothing made from nylon is often used for outdoor sports or activities with repeated movements, such as cycling or hiking. In addition, nylon is also not easy to match, so it can maintain its original shape even though it is used intensively.

Many sports clothing manufacturers now use a combination ingredient to take advantage of the advantages of each ingredient. Examples are polyester and spandex mixtures that combine the advantages of spardex elasticity and the ability to absorb sweat from polyesters.

This combination ingredient is designed to provide maximum comfort, especially for high-intensity sports such as HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) or team sports such as football.

Those are some clothing ingredients that are suitable for sports and their advantages in supporting comfort during sports. Also read the benefits of exercising using a parachute jacket.

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