JAKARTA - Facial skin care or what is already known as skincare, is one of the routines that cannot be missed in everyday life. However, have you ever heard of hand care? Care for skin on the hands cannot be completely ignored. With so many activities carried out, skin on the hands is also prone to discomfort such as dry, peeling, itching, or scaly.
Many internal and external factors can cause dry skin such as exposure to cold or overheated weather, incompatibility with chemicals in cleaning products, aging, to eczema. Do hand skin care to fingers in the following easy ways, reports several sources.
Using hand cream after washing hands helps maintain moisture. In addition, it can also help tighten the skin and prevent drought. Quoted from Medical News Today, Friday, January 31, using hand cream which contains retinol can reduce the appearance of wrinkles, helps the skin appear and feel smoother.
Using hand lotions that contain retinol or glycolate acid before bedtime can help treat dry, cracked, or scaly skin. Covering hands with cotton gloves after applying lotion can help lock the moisture, so active ingredients have time to work on the skin.
Using sunscreen on your hands every day can help prevent or slow skin aging. After washing your hands, you must apply sunscreen again to ensure sustainable protection against destructive UV rays.
Avoid products made from alcohol when washing your hands. Antibacterial soap can also cause dehydration. Instead, choose soft cleaning soap so that it can hydrate and remove dirt without eliminating skin moisture.
Adapted from Healthline, water is not just for washing hands. Drinking enough water can help clean the body, which can repair the skin, making it look more radiant. To get the right hydration, you are advised to drink at least eight glasses of water a day.
Smoking reduces collagen and elastin levels in skin dermis, which are the inner layers of the skin. Decreased collagen and elastin fiber in the dermis causes the skin to become more sagging and less elastic. Smoking also damages mechanisms that help improve the skin, causing signs of aging to appear clearer.
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