JAKARTA - The content creator, Fujianti Utami alias Fuji, was again matched by netizens. This time he was paired with Venna Melinda's eldest son, Verrell Bramasta. It all started when Verrell specifically invited Fuji to take a closer look at the contents of the DPR building some time ago. Knowing this, Haji Faisal as Fuji's father emphasized that there was no relationship between them and just being friends. "If the relationship problem between Fuji and Verrell is called people who know, people are friends, it's normal. I think it's just normal for people to be friends. There's nothing to be questioned about," said Haji Faisal, quoted by VOI from YouTube Intense Investigation, Friday, January 31. He reiterated that until now his daughter still has a jomlo status since her relationship with Tariq Halilintar was over. "No, my son is normal, single," he explained. When alluded to Fuji, who is suspected of being involved in politics due to Verrell's joint content in the DPR, Haji Faisal hopes that his daughter can explore it.
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