JAKARTA - Japan is known as a country with a low level of obesity and a long lifespan. The body of a Japanese citizen also always looks slim and healthy. So what's the secret?
It's not just about the food they eat, but also the way they live. Japanese culture teaches balance in diet and lifestyle, which naturally helps keep weight ideal.
Here are 7 habits of Japanese culture that you can apply to live a healthier life and are free from being overweight, as reported by VOI from the Times of India page on Thursday, January 30.
1. Eat Slowly and Enjoy Every Bite
One of the habits that should be followed by Japanese people is the way they enjoy food slowly. They are not in a hurry when eating and usually take a break between bribes to feel the full taste of food. This method helps digestion work better and gives the body time to send signals of fullness, thereby reducing the risk of overeating.
2. Control Food Portion
In Japan, food is served in small portions, but with many variations. This allows one to enjoy a variety of flavors and nutrients without eating excessively. According to research in 2019, people tend to eat less when served in small portions, and diverse diets help meet nutritional needs without excess calories.
3. Diligent Exercise
Japanese people don't depend on the gym to stay active. Instead, they make physical activity part of daily routines, such as walking, cycling, or simply moving throughout the day. In big cities like Tokyo, walking is a major habit because public transportation systems are very efficient. Light activities like this help keep metabolism active without the need for strenuous exercise.
4. Eating Tak Sampai Kenyang
Japanese people have a philosophy of eating called Hara Hachi Bu, which means "eating up to 80% full." This principle helps prevent overeating and keep weight stable. A 2015 study showed this habit could help you lose weight significantly and prevent the body from storing excess calories as fat.
5. Reduce Sugar, Increase Green Tea
Compared to the high diet in Western countries of sugar, Japanese people prefer to eat green teas rich in antioxidants and increase metabolism. Green tea has been part of Japanese culture for centuries and has proven to help digestion and burn fat. The catikel content in green tea is known to increase metabolism and help reduce fat levels in the body.
6. Eat according to season
In Japan, people pay great attention to seasonal food consumption. They prefer season-on food ingredients because they are fresher and rich in nutrients. This diet not only improves nutritional quality but also provides a natural variety in the food consumed. Eating seasonal food also reduces the tendency to eat the same food repeatedly. This often leads to an unhealthy diet.
7. Eat Together to Enjoy Food Casually
The culture of eating in Japan emphasizes the social aspect. Japanese people often eat with their family or friends, which help them eat more slowly and in small portions. By sharing food, a person is more likely to control the amount of food consumed, thus helping to maintain balance in their diet.
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