JAKARTA - Jonathan Frizzy and Ririn Dwi Ariyanti are back in the public spotlight after the issue of engagement suddenly surfaced.

This started with the spread of photos when Jonathan Frizzy or Ijonk gave a ring to Ririn Dwi Ariyanti's ring finger at an event.

However, this news was immediately straightened out by Jonathan Frizzy's uncle, Benny Simanjuntak, who said the ring was just a birthday present for Ririn.

"So Ijonk gave a gift, yes, it was a ring or I don't know, just give a gift, which is a birthday gift," said Benny Simanjuntak, quoted by VOI from Instagram @rumpi_ttv, Thursday, January 30.

Benny said that previously Ijonk had warned that the photo should not be spread.

Unfortunately, there are people who spread the photo and the issue of engagement between Ijonk and Ririn emerged. Benny himself firmly said it was gossip.

"Well, I was warned at that time, 'this shouldn't come out, because this is only for events here', but yesterday someone took out the photo making gossip as if she was a fianc," explained Benny.

"But actually not, absolutely nothing," he continued.

Benny himself had mentioned the difference of beliefs between Ijonk and Ririn. For him, if Ijonk and Ririn want to be together, their beliefs must also be the same first.

"So, I want to tell them that there is no engagement between them. It has to be adjusted first, this is what they have this religion, it must be the same first," he said.

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