JAKARTA - Denada's mother, Emilia Contessa, was buried today, Tuesday, January 28 at a cemetery near the Banyuwangi Regency Government office, East Java.
In this moment of grief, Denada was not seen taking his mother to her final resting place. However, he admitted that he had bathed and understood his mother before being buried.
"I met mom, thank God I took a shower and understood it too," Denada told reporters, Tuesday, January 28.
He then explained that he deliberately did not accompany his mother in the funeral procession because of suggestions from several Islamic religious teachers.
It is said that girls should not accompany the bodies to the funeral.
"It's just that when I buried I wasn't here because I was just trying to follow the advice and suggestions that were conveyed to me from teachers who had religious knowledge that I should not be present as a woman at the burial," explained Denada.
"Now I have the opportunity to make a pilgrimage," he continued.
Now Denada admits that he will remain in Banyuwangi for a while and will continue to carry out his work according to the contract.
"I don't know how many days I've been here (Banyuwangi), what is certain is that I already have work to do in the future, which I have a contract I have to go home. As long as I wait for the next job, I really want him to come here so I can make a pilgrimage and pray for mama," he concluded.
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