YOGYAKARTA Fruits rich in vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients including protein. Fruits also include food with a complete choice for a healthy diet. If you are looking for fruit that contains protein for your diet program, here's the list.

One cup of avocado contains 3 grams of protein and 10 grams of fiber. Protein contributes to building cells and plays a role in growth. If fiber, it is important to help smooth the work of the digestive system.

Aprikot is orange with hard central seeds. This fruit has a sweet taste containing 2.17 grams of protein per cup. In addition to protein, apricot also contains a lot of beta carotene which is processed by the body into vitamin A and is important for vision, immune system, and skin health.

The largest fruit rich in this nutrition, in one case contains 2.6 proteins. Nangka fruit has a sweet aroma, such as the taste of its fruit meat. This fruit is also rich in complex vitamin B, especially B6, niasine, riboflavin, and folic acid.

The orange fruit is sweet and refreshing. In one cup of orange slices, it also contains 1.3 grams of protein. Oranges are also often eaten to increase vitamin C intake.

Bananas are most often kept on the dining table because they are very easy to get. These fruits contain 1.64 proteins and 537 mg potassium per cup. Bananas are also high magnesium that support many body systems, including nerve and muscle functions, blood sugar control, and blood pressure settings.

This tropical fruit is rich in vitamins C and protein. In each cup, the protein levels are the highest, which is 4.21 grams. The guava also contains 376 milligrams (mg) of vitamin C per cup, which is 4 times higher than the recommended daily amount.

Kiwi contains a lot of water, the fruit meat is green with neat small seeds. In a cup of kiwi, it contains 1.91 grams of protein. Launching Verywell Health, Sunday, January 26, kiwi is also high in fiber, vitamin C, and potassium.

In addition to salad mixtures, tomatoes are used more often for vegetables. Tomatoes contain 1.58 grams of protein and 808 microgram beta caroten.

Melon has orange fruit meat with a content of 1.34 grams of protein. Usually eaten raw because it has a sweet taste. This fruit is best suited for desserts in the summer.

That's a list of fruits that contain protein and a complete choice for your healthy diet. Interested in completing daily protein needs with the intake of the fruits above?

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