JAKARTA - Ju Ji Hoon is the new name targeted to star in the latest Korean drama. The adaptation drama of the novel entitled The Remarried Empress.
Ju Ji Hoon's agency, Blitzway confirmed that the actor was considering. "It's true that (Ju Ji Hoon) accepted the offer but it has not been decided whether he will appear."
The Remarried Empress is a fantasy romance drama that tells the story of Navier, an empress from the Eastern Kingdom. When her husband, Sovieshu, the Eastern emperor, had an affair and divorced her. Then, Navier married Heinrey, Emperor of the Western Kingdom.
Ju Ji Hoon received an offer for the role of Navier's first husband, Sovieshu, the Emperor who had an affair and left Sovieshu.
Previously, Shin Min Ah and Lee Jong Suk were the first names offered in this project. Shin Min Ah received a Navier offer in October 2024.
Lee Jong Suk is offered the role of capani Alex totaling, a prince and heir to the throne of the Western Kingdom. He has economic power comparable to that of the Eastern Emperor. After rising the throne,men met Navier and married him.
On the other hand, Ju Ji Hoon is busy with various dramas. He just starred in the drama Love Your Enemy with Jung Yu Mi.
He also starred in the Light Shop series and his latest series, The Trauma Code: Heroes on Call will be released on Friday, January 24.
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