YOGYAKARTA An employee or worker may actually not go to work. However, workers must get permission by notifying the reason why they don't go to the office. When presenting the excuse, workers must really consider logic. That way superiors can accept the reasons they have submitted and give an illustration. Looking for reasons not to come to work so that the boss does not have to be angry for the safety of your career.

The anger of superiors at the office can be triggered because the reasons offered by employees when they don't go to work don't make sense. Here are some reasons for permission to skip work that can be given.

Those are some of the reasons for not coming to work so that the boss is not angry. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.

- https://voi.id/lifestyle/455291/rugi-ratusan-juta-gegara-ditipu-teman-della-puspita-tuntut-uang-untuk-dikembalikan

- https://voi.id/lifestyle/455286/sebelum-meninggal-denada-ungkap-emilia-contessa-dipasang-alat-jantung-dan-kateter

- https://voi.id/lifestyle/455285/bantu-usaha-travel-umroh-della-puspita-justru-tertipu-teman-sendiri

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- https://voi.id/lifestyle/454401/kenali-kelebihan-serta-kekurangan-frugal-living-sebelum-menerapkannya


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