JAKARTA - A global clothing retailer from Japan gave a surprise in early 2025. This effort was made to make it easier for customers to enjoy Life Wear comfort and expand market reach, as well as provide a fun shopping experience for all customers. This business development strategy is carried out to see customers' enthusiasm for various innovations made

"As with the community's need for quality clothing and seeing the enthusiasm for each LifeWear collection with a series of technological innovations presented, we announce that UNIQLO will add four new stores in the early 2025 semester. The location selection for our new stores is adjusted to the presence of several new shopping centers so that it is hoped that the community will find it easier to get a quality Life Wear collection close to where they live," said Ryohei Sato, President Director of PT Fast Retailing Indonesia (UNIQLO Indonesia).

This strategy is to reach markets throughout Indonesia cannot be separated from the expansion carried out not only in big cities, but also in secondary cities. This aims to make customers in these areas easier and faster access and get the need for quality clothing, making it an important part of their lives, with various choices of LifeWear that have long lifespans.

Various collections with various advantages and technologies include AIRism, DRY-EX, HEATTECH, UV Protection which provides comfort that can be found in the collection of working wear, sportswear, modest wear, and so on that can complement your needs. There is also a collection for children who are really trendy and comfortable.

Through various collaborations with a number of well-known designers and artists, the UNIQLO collection is not only part of people's lifestyle, but also provides new colors in the form of collection items that can be used for the long term, affordable, and comfortable to wear.

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