JAKARTA - The film The Miracle of Women's Tears directed by Indra Gunawan and uploaded from the book mega best seller, the Secret of the Magnet Rezeki by Nasrullah, managed to steal public attention even though it has not officially been shown in theaters. Although it will only be officially released in all Indonesian cinemas starting January 23, this film has pocketed 37,000 viewers from 73 cities in Indonesia through a viewing event together initiated by the women's community.
According to Novandrian, producer of the film Miracle Water Women, this enthusiasm arises from the demands of the women's communities in various regions who want to hold a viewing event together. Thank God, even though the film has not officially shown in theaters, we have managed to gather 37,000 viewers. This is an extraordinary achievement that shows that the message from this film is very relevant and awaited," Novandrian said.
The film Miracles Women's Tears raises the theme of the strength of emotions and the sacrifice of a woman in facing various tests of life. With a touching and inspiring story, this film is expected to be able to provide valuable lessons about fortitude, forgiveness, and prayer strength.
In addition, Rezky Aditya also expressed his gratitude for the great support from various communities that have helped promote this film. "We are very honored to see how these communities move together to spread positive messages from this film. Hopefully this spirit will continue until the official release in theaters later," he added.
This film stars a number of well-known actors and actresses, including Citra Kirana, Rezky Aditya, Natasha Rizky, Yessy Gusman, and Baby Zelvia. With the achievements that have been achieved before its official release, the magic of Women's Tears is one of the most anticipated films of the year.
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