JAKARTA Happiness is being felt by Gempita Nora Marten, the only daughter of Gisella Anastasia and Gading Marten, who just celebrated her 10th birthday on January 16.
"Nano-nano is Poy's birthday this time. But for sure, he is very grateful for God's participation in 10 years old Gempi," wrote Gisella Anastasia on her Instagram account, @gisel_la, as quoted by VOI, Sunday, January 19.
"It's also an extraordinary talent given and a sweet heart that is always heartwarming," continued Gisel.
At this special moment, Gisel and Gading gave a gift that Gempi had long dreamed of, namely a gadget. This is the first cellphone given to him.
"10 years old, finally what was coveted came, Gem. (Initially the promise of the first cellphone was 13 years old, but the 3 year discount was due to good behavior)," said Gisella.
However, Gisel realized that this gift also brought great responsibility to Gempi. Luckily, his daughter has promised to be more focused and independent with age.
"Come with a big responsibility, but he said Gempi was able. He wanted to prove it slowly so he could be more focused and independent," said Gisel.
Even so, Gisel admitted that it is still difficult to believe that his son is now starting to become a teenager.
"Okay, okay, take a breath first. Still in shock, our child is already want to be a teenager," he said.
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