JAKARTA - The Minister of Culture of the Republic of Indonesia, Fadli Zon, is scheduled to make a working visit to Lombok Island, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB). The agenda of the visit includes the inauguration of the village museum and the delivery of cultural speeches.

Ahmad Nuralam, Head of the NTB Museum, revealed that this visit reflected the central government's attention to cultural developments in the West Nusa Tenggara region.

"On January 7, 2024, the Minister of Culture will visit the NTB Museum. This is proof of the central government's appreciation for the efforts made by the museum," said Ahmad in Mataram, Monday.

Based on information from the Directorate General of Cultural and Traditional Protection of the Ministry of Culture, Minister Fadli Zon's visit to Lombok is planned to take place on January 6-7, 2025.

On January 6, Minister Fadli Zon will visit Taman Narmada in West Lombok Regency, which is a national cultural heritage, and inaugurate the Ganggelang Village Museum in North Lombok.

Taman Narmada, which was built in 1727 by King Anak Agung Gde Ngurah Karang Asem, initially served as a resting place and worship for the king during the dry season. Meanwhile, the Ganggelang Village Museum is home to around 80 collections of historical objects, including traditional weapons and ancient manuscripts, which are relics of the Ganga land.

The next day, on January 7, the Minister of Culture will continue his visit to the NTB Museum. There, he will launch a strategic program titled Kotaku Museumku, Kampungku Museumku, to witness a temporary exhibition that raises the theme of the existence of household appliances in NTB, and delivers cultural speeches.

The Kotaku Museumku program, Kampungku Museumku is designed to encourage every village and city to become a cultural-based tourist destination, with the museum as its center.

"We hope that culture will get more attention from the central government, especially after the formation of the Ministry of Culture. Programs such as Kotaku Museumku, Kampungku Museumku are expected to be adopted nationally by the ministry," concluded Ahmad

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