JAKARTA - Comedian and politician Nurul Qomar are currently being treated in hospital after stage 4 intestinal cancer returned to attack him some time ago. The son of Nurul Qomar or Abah Qomar said that it is not yet known when his father will return home because his condition has not yet improved. "When about abah has not yet returned home, the date is actually not yet there. So actually we are still waiting for the condition of the grant to recover," said Soebagdja Salim, quoted by VOI from YouTube Intense Investigation, Monday, January 6. Even Abah Qomar has not been able to eat normally and uses tools from the hospital because of this disease. "Because until now Abah Qomar has not been able to eat and drink, maybe because his digestion are still not good, so he is still assisted with the tools in the hospital," continued Salim. Salim. said that the food and drinks consumed by his father were always vomited due to unhealthy digestive conditions. "Still sick and still can't eat and drink normally, because his digestion are very unhealthy, so maybe it would be very nausea if what was conveyed by Abang Qomar so whatever was eaten was vomited back," he said.

Just for information that in 2020 Nurul Qomar was sentenced to cancer in his colon but was declared cured. Until finally in 2023, the cancer again ate away at the 64-year-old comedian's body.

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