JAKARTA - In 2024, the world of skin care or skincare will be more innovative by prioritizing products or treatment patterns that have been personalized, sustainable, and effective.
The following summarizes the trend of skincare in 2024 which is increasingly inclusive and widely used by the public.
Skin cycling appears as a keyword that carries a minimalist approach to skin care. The method involves replacing active ingredients, such as retinoids and exfoliators, which are used at night to reduce irritation and increase efficacy.
Interestingly, many dermatologists and influencers are both promoting this trend because of its simplicity and quite visible results.
Skiminimism continues to grow rapidly in 2024, by promoting fewer products with maximum impact.
For example, using multipurpose items for those who want a simpler routine without sacrificing the health of each other's skin. Like a colored moisturizer product with an SPF or serum that doubles as a primary.
2024 is the year for skin barriers. People often carry out skin care that focuses on menutrition and repairing natural protective layers on the skin.
There are several ingredients of skincare products used to repair or strengthen skin barriers, such as ceramide, niacinamide, and squalane.
In 2024, many beauty products care about the environment by adopting refillable packaging to reduce waste.
Therefore, consumers are interested in products that minimize environmental impact through recyclable materials, biodecomposable formulas, and innovative refill systems.
The overfiltered and artificial beauty era has provided a way for very real skin aesthetics. This trend highlights the natural texture, spots, and imperfections of the skin.
In 2024, skin care routines will focus on brightened and healthy skin, not the final result that must be perfect like a film star.
Traditional beauty practices from various cultures experience modern revivals. I pray, face-records, and use of herbal medicine have been integrated into contemporary skin care routines, so as to bridge the gap between ancient wisdom and the world of modern science.
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