JAKARTA - When asked the purpose of life, many people answer want to be happy. Often this is also associated with the presence of a partner. But happiness comes from oneself. So basically everyone deserves to be happy, with or without a partner.

Perhaps when there is a partner, there are other happiness that can be felt like there are people who care, love, and accompany the days. However, single women also have their own happiness such as being free from toxic relationships or exhausting romantic dramas.

Then, how the hell can I feel happiness, with or without a partner?

Stop listening to other people's talk

Remember, haters are going to hate! You may be far from perfect, but everyone does have flaws, too. Even the people you consider perfect, for example some Hollywood artists have been bullied. Whether it's talk about physicality, habits, activities, careers, and anything else you need to respond to.

You'll only feel stressed yourself if you over-respond to people's talk. If this is the case, you will find it difficult to be happy because you measure the level of happiness based on the opinions of others towards yourself.

Don't compare

Life in this era of social media is tough. A lot of people love comparing their lives to everything they see on screen. At first you are quite happy with your life, but seeing others whose lives look fun makes you feel inferior.

Actually, if the point of view is different, you could see the figure as an inspiration for a better life. But on the contrary, what you see is toxic to yourself. Not only social media, it can also come from a friendly environment.

So, what can be done? Stay away from everything that makes you compare yourself to others. Be happy with what you have, be grateful for what you have, and don't always look at others because not necessarily the real life is really as perfect as it looks.

Have your own standards

Always follow the standards of others the ends are tired. Beautiful must be white slim, before the age of 30 years must be married and have children, do not need high school because the ends in the kitchen, do not have to obsess over pursuing a career later difficult to find a partner.

If you do not agree to the standard, please do not follow it. In fact you can have your own standards achieved for self-satisfaction. You do and you reap the rewards.

Enjoy life

The simplest way to be happy is to enjoy life. There are times when it's hard and happy. All must be lived sincerely and always have good hopes. When there is an ordeal, you can evaluate yourself and be learning. When you're happy, don't forget to be grateful. Live a simple life, no need to overthinking, and enjoy everything on your journey.

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