JAKARTA - Maintaining food intake is very important so that the body remains healthy. This is because there are several types of food that should be avoided and are not recommended to be consumed often because they are not good for health, including accelerating aging.

The food in question is ultra-process food. These foods have low nutrients and experience many stages of the manufacturing process, which usually contain chemicals such as preservatives, artificial flavors, artificial sweeteners, and others.

Some types of ultra-processed foods are chips, candy, instant noodles, sweet contracts, burgers, pizza, nuggets, chickenRESs, and many more.

A study was conducted in the United States, using PhenoAge clock tools to measure a person's biological age. The study involved 16,055 people aged between 20-79, with a lifestyle comparable to other populations living in the western country.

Researchers have observed a significant relationship between increasing consumption of ultra-process foods and accelerating biological aging. At each increase of 10 percent for eating ultra-process foods, the gap between original and biological age extends to 2.4 months.

Those who eat the most ultra-process foods are biologically 0.86 years older, to an increased risk of chronic illness and death. These people usually use ultra-processed foods as an energy source of 68 to 100 percent.

"The importance of our findings is enormous, because our predictions show that for every 10 percent increase in ultra-process food consumption, there is an increase in the risk of death by almost two percent and the risk of chronic illness by 0.5 percent over two years," said a researcher from Monash University, Dr Barbara Cardoso, quoted from IFL Science, Sunday, December 15, 2024.

Researchers also say that the quality of diet and other activities does not reduce the risk of ultra-process foods. This shows how much influence ultra-process food consumption has on the health of the body.

This relationship does not, in part, depend on the quality of the diet, which suggests that food processing can contribute to the acceleration of biological aging. Our findings show strong reasons for targeting food consumption that encourages healthier aging," he concluded.

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