JAKARTA - Gender equality in the family is an important principle that encourages relationships to the behavior of family members so that they can be fairer, and respect each other among all its members.

This value also refers to the sharing of equal roles, responsibilities, rights, and opportunities between men and women in carrying out family life.Meinita Fitriana Sari, M.Psi., a psychologist from the UPT Center for the Protection of Women and Children DKI Jakarta, emphasized the importance of instilling the value of gender equality in the family.

He conveyed that efforts to remove gender-based discrimination can start from the family environment, which is the main foundation for the formation of a mindset.

"If we want to remove gender discrimination in society, it must start from the family," said Meinita at an educational discussion with the theme 'Empowing Women, Towards Gender Equality' held by PT Uni-Charm Indonesia Tbk (Unicharm) together with the South Jakarta Empowerment, Child Protection and Population Control (PPAPP) Sub-dept. recently.

Meinita emphasized that the role of parents in providing role models to children is very crucial. Husband and wife relationships that uphold equality, such as good communication and appreciation for the wife's right to give opinions, can be the first step to create a family that is free of discrimination.

"Gender equality must also be seen in family decisions, where both husband and wife have the same opportunity to make choices," he added.

According to Meinita, gender equality is a basic right for every individual, regardless of age, religion, or race. The application of this principle is important in various fields, including education, health, poverty alleviation, and protection of the rights of women and men.

"However, creating a society that is truly free from gender discrimination requires great time and commitment," he said.

Another psychologist, Ayo Sutomo, M.Psi., added that one way to overcome gender discrimination is to empower women. He invites women to recognize their potential, including simple skills that can be developed into something of value.

"Women also need to have the ability to manage finances, both for personal and household purposes, to be more independent and able to reduce the risk of discrimination and violence," said Ayoe.

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