JAKARTA - Jessica Iskandar's celebrity brother, Eric Iskandar, tried to tell about the latest news about his younger brother and nephew who had just been born recently.

Eric had said that his younger brother had bleeding after giving birth. This is due to the petging of a baby placenta in the womb of Jessica Iskandar.

"What I got the information was bleeding after giving birth, which I got good baby information, but Jessica had a lot of bleeding. The cause was the sticky placenta in the uterus," said Erick Iskandar in the Tendean area, South Jakarta, Friday, December 6.

As a result of the bleeding, until now, Vincent Verhaag's wife has received 4 bags of blood transfusions.

"Yes, there is already (blood donation), so far 4 bags (blood transfusion) have been," said Erick Iskandar.

For the baby's own condition, Erick said that his nephew had a yellow baby caused by high bilirubin.

"(The baby) is healthy, but there are indeed bilirubins whose levels are high or what, (so) yellow," he explained.

So far Erick sees that his younger brother's condition is much better. The recovery process is also running smoothly.

"His condition is now getting better, yes, from before and hopefully, it will be finished quickly," he said.

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