YOGYAKARTA - Many parents question the effectiveness of the doctor's recommendation for child vitamins. How important are these vitamins? Let's find out the answer in the following article.
Vitamins themselves play an important role in the growth and development of children. Starting from supporting the immune system, increasing intelligence, to maintaining bone and dental health.
However, not all children get enough vitamins from daily food. For this reason, vitamin supplements are often needed.
This article will provide recommendations for safe and effective child vitamins, as well as tips on choosing products that suit your child's needs.
Reporting from the Cleveland Clinic page, pediatrician Laura O'Connor, MD explains the various nutrients and vitamins needed by children as follows:
Vitamin D has several important functions, including helping to build strong bones, helping to maintain a healthy immune system, can affect mental health.
About 15% of small children and 17% of teenagers lack vitamin D. The main way people get vitamin D is through exposure to the sun. The skin converts sunlight into vitamin D.
In addition, some foods also contain vitamin D, and add it to other foods (enriched foods). You can find vitamin D in:
Meanwhile, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that parents pay attention to their children's vitamin D needs. Meanwhile, here are recommendations for vitamin D supplements for your children:
Also read the article that discusses 4 Vitamin Recommendations for the Lemas Agency, What Should Be Consumed?
Iron is very important throughout childhood and youth and is needed to deliver oxygen throughout the body.
Usually, newborns are quite old and have enough iron stored in their bodies to meet their needs during the first six months. Around that time, babies can start eating iron-rich foods, such as impacted red meat, soft egg pieces, or iron-enriched Goods.
However, premature babies (prematures) do not have the same iron reserves and need to consume more iron after birth.
However, formula milk is usually enriched with iron and can meet your child's needs during the first year. But mother's milk does not contain much iron.
So, if you are breastfeeding a premature baby, ask your doctor if a newborn needs iron supplements or not.
Please note, iron deficiency can be a problem for toddlers, bigger children, and teenagers, especially if they don't eat meat.
Vitamin B12 is important for brain and nerve development. However, this nutrition is only found naturally in animal products.
Often vitamin B12 is included in packagers, non-susu milk, and enriched nutritional yeast. Doctors may recommend that children on a vegan diet take supplements.
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