JAKARTA - Celebrity Tengku Dewi said she had never prohibited Andrew Andika from meeting her children. Unfortunately, Tengku felt that the opportunity was wasted by Andrew by preferring to go out with other women rather than playing with their children.

"Yes, if it still allows it, but in reality now he also has more time with girls," said Tengku Dewi in the Sudirman area, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, December 4.

No wonder Tengku Dewi called Andrew Andika selfish because he was more concerned with personal desires than children.

"Oh, I'm actually lazy to talk about this, but in fact, he is more concerned about him than he spends time with his children," said Tengku Dewi.

Moreover, Tengku Dewi has plans to move to Bali within a specified period of time but Andrew is even busy on vacation.

"Even though at this time he knew I wanted to go to Bali for a long time, but there was information circulating that he was on vacation, I don't know who it was with and I haven't hit the hammer either," continued Tengku Dewi.

Andrew Andika's attitude automatically made Tengku Dewi's disappointment even more. The most important thing for Dewi is that her husband is still responsible.

"So I was a bit disappointed but I thought it was up to him to do what he needed to take the same responsibility. The important thing is that I decide quickly so that I can continue my life more calmly," he said.

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