JAKARTA - Handling online gambling addiction requires an intensive and integrated approach. This was revealed by psychologist Sani Budiantini Hermawan about the rehabilitation of online gambling addicts who took at least three months. Where he really stopped playing at all.
Handling involves three main aspects. The meditation from psychiatrists to deal with stress or depression, psychotherapy from psychologists to help restore mindset and behavior, to support families who provide control and supervision during the recovery period," said Sani, a graduate of the Faculty of Psychology, University of Indonesia, as reported by ANTARA.
According to Sani, in addition to psychological therapy, spiritual approaches such as getting closer to God are also carried out during rehabilitation to strengthen mentally.
These approaches are made to neutralize the effects of online gambling addiction and so that entangled individuals can live a healthier life, both physically, mentally, and socially.
Sani emphasized that handling must be done in parallel and consistent, so that online gambling addicts can get out of the dark circle.
Online gambling addicts, said Sani, experience serious psychological impacts, for example due to debt. Online gambling, not only drains finances, but, it can also damage mental and social relationships.
"People who are in debt from online gambling usually experience financial deficiencies, loss of trust from the environment, to conflicts with their families, spouses, or friends. As a result, they are isolated, hostile, and become stressed or depressed. In fact, it is not uncommon for these pressures to encourage them to commit reckless acts such as suicide," said Sani.
According to Sani, there was an error in the thoughts of people who continued to play online, even though they were already in debt. The person feels that online gambling can be taken into account, even though it is profitable.
The victory that was achieved actually triggered addiction because they were tempted by the promise of getting bigger money and made it difficult for them to stop, especially if they were addicted.
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