JAKARTA - Intolerance can start from hate. This was conveyed by Inaya Wahid, a young artist and social activist at the One Root, Ragam Rupa: Young Cultural observer for Tolerance (17/11) organized by Campaign, startup owner of a social campaign application called Campaign #ForABetterWorld, in collaboration with non-governmental organizations that focus on peace, Search for Common Ground.
"Intolerance has raw material for hatred, self-willing attitude, narrow-minded, self-centric, egotistical," said Inaya.
"On the other hand, one of the keys in creating tolerance is to produce raw materials such as empathy, feelings of solidarity, respect for others, and self-respect", he concluded. The event, which was held at Taman Ismail Marzuki, aims to empower youth in promoting freedom of religion and belief (KBB) through artistic and cultural expressions.
In addition to talk shows, the event which was attended by various groups also exhibited a number of works of art from young culturalists with various creations and innovations to voice respect for KBB. This collection of works of art includes various forms, such as songs, mask dances, books that raise women who drive tolerance, and other interactive exhibitions.
"To campaign for harmony, we use a creative and imaginative approach so that these tolerance messages can be accepted by various circles. Art and culture are ideal means of voicing tolerance because everyone can enjoy artistic expressions, and tradition has a special place in the hearts of each community," said the Search for Common Ground Director Program, Anis Hamim.
The excitement of this event was attended by the USAID Representative who was also present at the event. Through this program, USAID utilizes the power of digital technology, the role of youth, as well as innovation in art and culture to encourage tolerance and collaboration," said Yahya Luping, an expert on Democracy and Governance of Indonesian USAID Administration. "Our goal is to strengthen social cohesion and promote peace among communities from various communities," he said.
Efforts to increase awareness of these values are expanded through social campaigns in the Campaign #ForABetterWorld application. Project Lead and Marketing Communications Manager, Laras Sahbila Putri, said that Campaign continues to adapt as a youth-oriented platform, including by combining offline and online activities, This event is the culmination of a series of social campaigns Strengthening Interfaith Forums and Youth Engagement in Indonesia to Promote Tolerance (SHIFT). To support this initiative further, the public can also participate in the #projectSHIFT social campaign in the Campaign #ForABetterWorld application, both while enjoying events and after. Through this application, the public can raise awareness of tolerance as well as contribute without spending any fees," Laras said.
Visitors participating in the SHIFT social campaign in the Campaign #ForABetterWorld application can complete social actions, which will automatically open donations without spending money at all to support KBB throughout Indonesia. A total of nine social campaigns have been launched initiated by selected youths, one of which is Sega Jamblang. The results of their social campaign will be used to invite 100 youths in Cirebon to learn tolerance and peace through the house of worship roadshow.
We are grateful to be selected as one of the communities that can campaign in the Campaign #ForABetterWorld application to reach the community through digital activation. Previously, we also held an art performance titled #TolakBala for Cirebon Damai which contained speeches, art performances from across religions to invite people to preserve culture, and maintain harmony," said Haryono, Chairman of Sega Jamblang who is also the Chairperson of the Cirebon Peace Pelita.
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