YOGYAKARTA - How to write a footnote from a book is basically not difficult. You also don't need to install an application or anything like that. Because foodnote writing is already available in your computer format. So how to write a footnote from a book?

Footnote is a record that is generally written by inserting between sentences by giving a code number 1, 2, 3 dst. Furthermore, below the tucked number, on the lower sheet there is a brief explanation that explains the code or sign one. Footnote itself serves as a statement or confirming note so that readers understand the information.

Quoted by VOI from the Education page, see the reviews below.

When writing footage, mastering how to make a footnote from a book is certainly not enough. You also need to understand what elements need to be included in the footage. In general, there are several elements, including the name of the bookwriter, the title of the book (city of publisher: which includes the name of the publisher and the year of publication), then go to the page and page number.

Meanwhile, other elements when you write the footage, consisting of the name of the author, the title of the book, publisher, the city of the publisher, the year of publication, and the page number page. From the two footnote formats of the book you can take one of them.

The element of writing the footage is certainly mandatory. Because the elements mentioned are included in the identity of the book, and of course there is already a standard for identity making. Where the written identity or footnote can be traced and the authenticity of the source is traced.

How to write a footnote from a book. (Unpslash-Becca Tapert)

The writing format: My Name, Book Title (Publishing Site: Publisher, issuance Year), pp. x.

Example 1: Harun Yudi, et al., Guidelines for Writing Scripts (Bandung: Issuance of Deepublish, 2020), pp. 23.

Example 2: Andre Wardana, Research Methodology for Accounting, ed. 2. (Yogyakarta: Deepublish Publish Publish,2019), pp. 200.

How to write a footnote from a book turns out to depend on the number of writers. If there are one or two writers, then the method is different. Check out how to make a footnote of a book based on the following number of writers.

One additional note, how to create a footnote from an ununderstood book is, how to write a translation book. You can write a translation book footnote format by first writing the name of the author, title of the book, translation of the name of the translator (city of the publisher: the name of the publisher, year, publishing, page. page number.

Fanny Abdilah, How to Ads Facebook Ads, Deepublish, Yogyakarta, 2020, pp. 31.

Fanny Abdilah, Unloading Ads Facebook Secrets (Yogyakarta: Deepublish, 2020), pp. 8

Rifki Aryono And Rahmad, How To Practically Get Money Quickly, Deepublish, Yogyakarta, 2019,

Rifki Aryono And Rahmad, The Technical Steps For Running Internet Marketing (Yogyakarta: Deepublish, 2020),men's 19.

Raharjo Subagyo et al, Jomblo-jomblo Bahagia (Yogyakarta: Deepublish, 2019), pp 21.

Irukawa Elisa, Jitu Masters Social Media, Terj. Adelina Damayanti, Sunt. Sulistyawati (Yogyakarta: Deepublish, 2019), pp. 28.

That's the review of how to write footnotes from books. Hopefully useful. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.

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