JAKARTA - In addition to carbohydrates and fat, the body also needs protein every day. The function of this protein is to activate the body's function so that it can work properly.
But unfortunately, some people may experience a lack of protein. Senior nutrition expert from the Diabetes Specialist Center Dr. Mohan, Uma Shakthy said, protein must be in our food bowl by 20 to 25 percent.
If the body does not get enough protein intake, a person will experience protein deficiency. This can be identified through certain symptoms.
Fatigue, for example, occurs due to muscle loss, followed by swelling in the legs, hair loss, brittle nails to skin and tooth problems.
Mood will also experience changes due to menstrual hormones that change irregularly.
The digestive process, he said, was also delayed due to reduced digestive enzymes. Other effects include muscle pain, leg pain, inability to run steadily, to experience infections that often occur due to impaired immune functions.
'Proteins are very important to build antibodies and other immune components. Low intake can make you vulnerable,' said Shakthy, as quoted by Antara.
Shakthy says to deal with protein deficiency, one needs to pay attention to daily eating habits. Start by putting more protein-rich foods into your foods and snacks every day.
For people who run a non-vegetous diet, you can consume egg, fish, and chicken whites regularly.
Goat and cow meat can be consumed in less quantities because it is rich in fat and is considered a low-fat protein and has high biological value.
As for vegetarians, protein can be obtained from nuts such as almonds, walnuts, pista, and beans.
Grains such as Chia seeds, crab seeds, hemp seeds, all types of nuts and pods, tofu must also be included in food.
A peanut gives you enough protein. However, nuts need to be consumed in moderate quantities, taking into account the calories," he said.
From processed dairy products, protein can be obtained through paneers, boilings, and yogurt which are consumed regularly.
If a person experiences severe protein deficiency, protein supplements can help. Consumption of whey protein will also be beneficial in such cases.
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