JAKARTA - A ketogenic diet or better known as a keto diet can provide various health benefits. In addition to losing weight, a diet full of fat consumption is also useful for improving the menstrual cycle.
According to a study published in the journal PLoS ONE, the keto diet can directly convert the use of body energy sources from glucose in carbohydrates to fat burning and ketone production.
This effect is able to affect reproductive health, including restoring a long-disturbed menstrual cycle.
In the study, scientists examined 19 healthy 34-year-old women but overweight in studies of the influence of a ketogenic diet.
They are divided into three groups, one group undergoes a keto-only diet, another group combines it with a ketone supplement, and the control group undergoes a low-fat diet.
Eleven of the 13 women who enter nutritional doses experience positive changes in their menstrual cycle. Their menstrual cycle becomes more regular or more intense.
Research results show that a ketogenic diet is effective in helping to improve the menstrual cycle. The researchers found a positive correlation between ketone production and hormonal regulation.
They hope the findings in this study can open the door to the treatment of polycistic ovarian syndrome, perimenopause, and post-trial depression.
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